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The Book Brothers
Quality Used Books
25 King Street East, Chatham - Kent
The Largest Used Book Selection in Chatham.
Best Selection of books: From History to Romance and Science to Religion we try to have something for everyone.
Best Conditioned Books: Many of our books are like new and we try to bring in only the best conditioned books.
Best Priced Books:
We do not base our pricing on the original selling price.
Our pockett books are priced at $3.99 for the newer ones with some of the older ones even less!
Our Trade Paperback and Hard Cover books are priced individually
from $4.00 to $9.99 with some at $1.00 !
To accomplish this we have to be very selective in what books we take in.
We always need newer books, older books not as much.
We will look at all books no matter where they were purchased as long as they are still in sellable condition.
Book condition is of utmost importance and we do not take books that are smoke or water damaged, have clipped corners,
have excessive wear, are missing covers or pages, ex-library, dirty, or are stamped not for return.
We do not take in: books by authors that we are overstocked in, condensed books, magazines, records.
Credits we give:
We pay 50% of OUR selling price in store credit for newer books, less for older books.
Store credit can be used to pay for up to half the cost of books purchased.
This will enable you to save significantly on the largest book selection in Chatham.
If you are offering an estate collection or large personal library of books for trade or sale,
please contact us at 519-360-9802 to arrange an appointment with us.
We also do in-house visits for particularly large collections.